Case Study 02

Turning Challenges into Success: Custom Home Project Rescue - In a unique Hamptons project, Dubrow Group demonstrated its ability to transform a challenging situation into a resounding success, showcasing our adaptability and comprehensive project management skills.
New Construction
8,000 sqft | 3 Acres
Case Study 02
Project Overview

- Custom home inspired by a spec house design
- Initially managed by a design-build firm inexperienced with client-driven projects
- Dubrow Group engaged late in pre-construction phase

Initial Challenges

1. Design-build firm's inexperience with custom home requirements
2. Lack of checks and balances in the design-build model
3. Homeowner's desired design upgrades complicating the process
4. Project already facing difficulties before our engagement

Dubrow Group's Strategic Intervention

1. Contract Negotiation Expertise:
  - Brought in to assist with construction contract negotiations
  - Identified and addressed gaps in the contractor's experience

2. Process Implementation:
  - Introduced industry-standard procedures
  - Established comprehensive documentation systems

3. Vendor Coordination:
  - Managed relationships with owner-supplied vendors including A/V, lighting designer, landscape professionals, and interior designer
  - Ensured alignment of all parties with client's vision

4. Financial Stewardship:
  - Identified potential cost savings at the outset
  - Mitigated budget increases during contractor transition

5. Crisis Management:
  - Facilitated seamless contractor replacement mid-construction
  - Maintained project continuity with zero downtime

6. Timeline Adherence:
  - Successfully completed project, including furniture installation, one week before the Hamptons summer season

Key Outcomes

- Successful project completion despite initial setbacks
- Implementation of robust project management systems
- Significant cost savings that offset Dubrow Group's fees
- Seamless transition between contractors without project delays
- Realization of client's custom home vision

This case study underscores Dubrow Group's ability to:
- Rescue and elevate challenging projects
- Implement effective project management systems
- Navigate complex vendor relationships
- Ensure financial prudence and timeline adherence
- Adapt to and overcome unexpected project hurdles

Our intervention in this project demonstrates why Dubrow Group is a trusted partner in luxury residential construction in the Hamptons. We bring not just oversight, but transformative project management that turns potential setbacks into successful outcomes.